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Lush Cosmetics - Bubblegum Lip Scrub

The hot summer days in Durban found my lips cracking and going dry quite often. Anyone who knows me knows that I go through lip balm like I go through cotton wool because I feel that my lips always have to be soft and smooth. While I was in Cape Town a few weeks ago I stopped over at Lush on my last day to see what goodies I could take home with me. Looking through the shop I found this "Bubblegum Lip Scrub". I had never tried any sort of lip scrub before so I thought to myself if body scrubs and face scrubs can leave my body and face feeling soft and silky, obviously a lip scrub would do the same. I thought I would give it a try and I am happy to say it works so well! I take a decent amount out of the tub with my finger and scrub it gently on and around my lips for about 1 minute. After that I let it sit for about 10-15 minutes then I proceed to wash it off gently with lukewarm water. You will definitely feel the difference the second you pat your lips dry with a clean towel! I would usually do this every second night but sometimes I do it during the day on my free days. It has a very sugary taste (not that I've eaten it but when it sits on my lips, the sugar grains sometimes fall into my mouth - totally not my fault) but I am not sure exactly how safe it is to lick it off. So just be cautious. For extra soft and plumpier looking lips, massage a tiny bit of coconut oil until it has seeped into your lips. This lip scrub also gives my lips a little bit of a pink tint which looks so wonderful and so natural!

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